2021-07-21Seychelles Beneficial Ownership Act and Regulation, 2020
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Beneficial Owner Pursuant to Sec. 3 of the BO Act, beneficial owner refers to one or more natural persons who ultimately own or control a customer or the natural persons on whose behalf a transaction is being conducted and includes those natural persons who exercise ultimate effective control over the company. That said, it refers to the natural persons who ultimately own more than 10% of the shareholding or have the ultimate control over the company. Further explained by the Regulation, beneficial owner means a natural person who: (a) ultimately has a controlling ownership interest of 10% or above in a company; or (b) exercise control of the company through other means. If no natural person meets the above statements, the natural persons who hold the position of a senior managing official of the company will be classified as the beneficial owners. The company may adopt Cascading Test (also known as the three-tiered information-gathering approach) by Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (“OECD”) to ensure the availability of beneficial ownership information. |
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Legal Owner Similar with beneficial owner, legal owner also refers to the entity that holds shares, other rights or interest on behalf of other persons. The major different is legal owner can be a corporate structures, legal arrangement or legal person, but the beneficial owner must be a natural person. The natural person that has ultimate control of legal owner is also considered as the beneficial owner. Companies are required to identify the legal owners in order to further identify the beneficial owner. Nominee is considered as one of the legal owner. If interest is held by nominee, the information of each nominee must be included in the Register of Beneficial Owners. |
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Name of Company |
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Company Identification Number (“CI no.”) |
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Particular of Beneficial Owner (a) Name (b) Residential address (c) Service address (d) Date of birth (e) Nationality |
(4) |
Whether interest is held by nominee (if so, the information of item (a) – (e) of the nominee and nominator should be provided) |